Archaeology: some interesting links

  • Startpage Archaeology
    Click here to go to the Dutch startpage of archaeology.
  • Archaeology
    Columns, updates on excavations, book reviews and a world atlas of archaeology make this site helpfull for the enthusiast, the student and the working archaeologist. 
  • ArchNet
    This archaeological virtual library provides access to archaeological resources available on the internet, categorized by geographic region and subject. 
  • ARGE
    ARGE or the Archaeological Resource Guide for Europe is a virtual library, offering a searchable guide to on-line web resources for European Archaeology.
  • Departement of Archaeology (Ghent University)
    Dutch language website of the Department of Archaeology at Ghent University. However, links to the English sites of the different research units are provided. 
  • Archeologische Werkgroep (AW)
    Dutch language website of the Flemish "Archeologische Werkgroep": information on activities and interesting archaeological links can be found here.
  • Radio-Past
    Interesting link to a website of a European project about non-destructive survey methodology.
    Interuniversity Attraction Poles Project "CORES"